Some frequentlty asked questions.
You want an Auto Attendant! We can definitely do that for no extra cost. Most of our features are included for $29.99 with no surprise billing. Just tell us what options you want and where you want them to go, and we’ll handle the rest!
You want to Intercept the call. When you hear a phone ringing, all you do is press the just press the intercept button or the key combination then the call is yours.
What you need is our Office Hours feature. Let us know your business hours, and where you want the calls to go, and we’ll make it automatic.
Let’s get Failover configured for you. If your internet drops, power goes out, or your phones go down for any reason then calls will automatically be forwarded to anywhere you’d like. It can be another office, a cell phone, or even just a recording.
Of course! If you’re looking for a different vibe, to advertise your services, let your customers know your new address, or something else? Let us know and we can customize your Hold Music to your specific needs.
We’ll get you a Conference Center. Everyone can call, put in a code, and join the rest of the group. You can manage it from the web portal so the barking dog can be muted and unruly callers kicked. Only takes a few minutes for us to set you one up.
Of course. We have several devices that allow you to use your paging system. These products vary in price and complexity, but installation is always free.
You want our Intercom feature. We can set this up so you can either intercom with one phone, or page on multiple. A great solution for getting a message to a single department or location.
The Web Portal is where everything comes together. See call logs, listen to recordings, view faxes, block calls, and the list goes on. We cater that experience to you and your employee’s needs. How can we make it fit you?
We’ll be here! Just give us a call at 559-302-9291